Generative AI Architect Development Program

Enrollment Options

50% OFF



6 Monthly Payments



Total of $1,647

over six payments

50% OFF



3 Monthly Payments



Total of $1,498.50

over three payments

50% OFF



One Time Payment



One Time Payment, or use 

options such as Paypal, Klarna, and more

What is the Generative AI Architect Development Program?

Our Generative AI Architect Development Program focuses on helping you develop the skills necessary to be a successful Generative AI Architect. Generative AI Architects are one of the most in-demand positions and will continue to be for quite some time. 

This program is developed and taught by David Linthicum, a subject matter expert on Generative AI. With over 30 years of experience in enterprise technology, David Linthicum is a globally recognized thought leader, innovator, and influencer in cloud computing, AI, and cybersecurity. He is the author of over 17 best-selling books, over 7,000 articles, and over 50 courses on LinkedIn Learning. He is also a frequent keynote speaker, podcast host, and media contributor on topics related to digital transformation, cloud architecture, AI, and cloud security

Our Live Class Times are Outlined Below

Weekly Live Classes

Two Live Technical Classes Per Week (Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM EDT)


Friday at 1:00 PM EDT (Business & Professional Development Class)

Office Hours Sessions for General Questions

Monday at 12:30 PM EST

Wednesday at 12:30 PM EST

*Approximately 25 hours of live classes per month* for 12 months

Our training includes the following technical competencies:

Two Live Tech Classes Per Week for 12 months
The Relationship Between Computing Platforms and Generative AI
Basics of Generative AI
Data Driven Architecture for Generative AI
Cloud Computing and Traditional Systems Architecture with Generative AI
Infrastructure Optimization Through Generative AI
Security Considerations with Generative AI
Networking Considerations with Generative AI
Target Platform Considerations - Cloud
Target Platform Considerations - Legacy/On-Prem
Target Platform Considerations - Edge
Target Platform Performance Considerations
Challenges and Ethical Considerations with Generative AI
Steps in Building an Architecture for Generative AI-Based Systems
Skills and Operations Planning for Generative AI
Cloud Computing Fundamentals
Cloud Computing Basic Principles
Networking Knowledge
Security Knowledge
Disaster Recovery and High Availability
Deep Cloud Knowledge
Azure Cloud Training
Azure Lab Video Tutorials
AWS Cloud Training
AWS Lab Video Tutorials
OpenStack Cloud Lab Tutorials
Hands-on Cloud and Datacenter Knowledge
Dedicated Access to OpenStack Servers

Our training also includes the following business skills to increase your earning potential throughout your career!

Weekly Live Business & Professional Development Class (Friday) for 12 months
Business Acumen
Executive Presence
4 E's of Leadership (Energy, Energize, Edge, & Enthusiasm)
The Importance of Integrity
The Importance of Patience
Importance of Trust
Emotional Intelligence
Being Open Minded
Developing Empathy
Effective Communication
How to Read People
Mental Toughness
Writing Skills
Presentation Skills
Bringing Up Your Weaknesses
Playing to Your Strengths
How to Build Your Brand

Our program also focuses on the following:

Developing deep AI architecture knowledge
Developing deep technical knowledge
Gaining hands-on cloud and datacenter experience
Overcoming the perception of “inexperience”
Building your professional development and career plan
Building your get hired plan
Building your personal brand
Improving your communication skills
Improving your leadership abilities
Improving your executive presence
Getting your resume in the hands of the hiring manager
Learning how to interview like a champion
Learning how to negotiate a higher salary
Improving your emotional intelligence

Frequently Asked Questions

No, we expect that everyone who participates in our programs is new. 

If you happen to have experience in related roles or technologies, great; if not, that’s also great!

We look forward to working with everyone!

All of our programs are group programs, only programs that clearly indicate that one-on-one consultation is included will include one-on-one consultation; otherwise, this is not an available feature in most of our programs. 

Should you be enrolled in a program that does not include one-on-one consultation, you still have access to instructors during live classes, and through the slack community.

We do not train any one specific cloud or technology platform such as AWS, Azure, or GCP. Rather we focus on developing the competencies of the technologies that make up “the cloud” or are used in solving an organization’s needs.

Our technical components focus on industry standards of system design, security, networking, storage, and all components used in further digital transformation for an organization.

By training on in this manner our students are well-rounded and able to apply their knowledge to any situation, to best meet their employer’s and customer’s needs.

Think of this like learning to drive a car versus learning how to drive only a Ford or only a Toyota. It doesn’t make sense.


We extensively cover resume and interview guidance as part of our programs both in the self-paced on-demand content and in live classes, 

We usually conduct at least one dedicated live class per month to resume improvement, and all previous sessions are available in the recordings.

We offer sample resumes at a specific part in our program, we do not recommend working/improving your resume until this point.

We accept enrollments in our programs on a rolling/continuous basis. The program consists of on-demand content which you should begin immediately, and live classes which you can begin attending the first session after enrollment. 

Your access to the on-demand program content is for at least one year, and the content is self-paced.

The only portion of the program which is not self-paced is the live classes, as we have a set schedule of days and times for this.

Live classes are stand-alone classes, which have no direct relationship with the self-paced on-demand materials. This means that you can begin attending the live classes without concern of where you are in the self-paced content.

The information to attend live classes will be included in the first section of your program portal.

A significant part of the beginning of our program is dedicated to helping you determine what your goals are and developing a plan to help you get to your goals.

Our approach is not a one size fits all. We can’t in good conscious direct you to specific certifications, without knowing your specific career goals and desires. With that being said, we are strongly opposed to the philosophy of earning multiple same-level certifications only for the sake of getting certifications.

Based on the assignments you submit in our program and the career plan that we help you create, we will inform you of the recommended certifications for your specific development path.

How long it takes is dependent upon you.

Every single person starts from a different place, has a different situation, different learning style, different amount of time they can commit, etc. 

This is truly something that is dependent on you, you may learn faster than others, or may be able to commit more time than others. 

We can say on average it takes about 8 months to complete the program, but we give you up to a year in the live classes and unlimited time on the online part of the training as we want to know you have all the time you need to be successful!

This is covered in our program for the participants in our programs.

For all of our students, the recommendation is that you take part in our training program immediately upon enrollment. Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with the content or the discussions that occur on our classes. Due to the nature of our program this will be natural, as we have advanced/senior students in the same program with new students.

We do this purposefully as it helps students confirm their knowledge by being able to explain and assist other students. As the saying goes, you truly understand something once you are able to explain it to someone else.

As you progress through your training, you will soon realize that you are actively taking part in the calls, and you are now the advanced/senior student.



While most people interested in an enterprise architect role have previous experience; our program requires no previous experience. We teach every single student from the ground up and we teach everything needed to prepare you to get cloud hired.

Having a background in tech may speed things up for you on the tech side, or it could be a hinderance. You will need to work harder on the non-technical aspects of a cloud architect professional development like business acumen, emotional intelligence, and executive presence, among others.

Having a background in any area that requires people skills, like sales and customer support, among others, will help speed things up on the soft skills side of your development. You will need to learn the technologies that make cloud computing possible.


We have purposefully designed our programs and the price of our programs with these price sensitivities in consideration. We do not negotiate the price for enrollment on an individual basis.

The prices listed on our training portal and website are the prices that are available to everyone. We may occasionally offer discounts which will be promoted on our website, social media, and by email. We may also occasionally offer a complimentary enrollment in the form of a competition. Both are offered at the discretion of Go Cloud Careers.

You can choose to pay for your enrollment in one single up front payment, or a split payment plan of multiple payments of equal amounts automatically charged to the payment method you provide

The primary focus of our programs is to learn as a cloud-agnostic while developing the soft skills of an industry professional. However, we understand the importance and necessity to achieve specific certification(s). With this in mind, our recommendation is that you prepare for your industry-specific certifications at the same time that you are completing our program. Learning both at the same time is complementary to each other.

Click here and you can find options to enroll with the 3-month or 6-month payment plan.

Upon enrollment, you will receive several emails including a signup acknowledgment, receipt of purchase, and most importantly your Welcome Email. Open this Welcome Email for instructions on how to begin. 

There are also onboarding videos in the first section of the training portal.

This varies from program to program. But there are two different types of classes included with most programs. These are technical classes and there are soft skills classes. Each class is approximately 2 hours in length.

Every participant in our programs is offered the opportunity for an internship. We believe in including this as a way to build the experience on your resume that many employers’ HR departments have listed as an arbitrary job requirement.

The requirements for internships vary, but all students are required to complete the program and the required business case solutions as part of their internship and participation in the program.

Again, this is a question that we can’t answer for you. Every single person starts from a different place, has a different situation, different learning style, different amount of time they can commit, etc. 

The important thing is for you to figure out what you can dedicate to the program and stick to it. Don’t allow yourself to fall out of your plan or miss days or take it easy.

Of course, it is important to pace yourself, and it may be necessary to take breaks, but make sure this is purposeful.

This is covered in our program for the participants in our programs.

Our programs are self-paced, and you have access to the on-demand content indefinitely.

You have the right to cancel your purchase without any penalty or obligation through three (3) days after enrollment if you have not viewed any assignments and have not accessed any content beyond Section 1. After this three-day period, you are not eligible for a refund if you choose to not pursue the program. Refunds will be issued, minus the cost of processing fees of the original purchase. Multiple cancellation/withdrawal requests may result in the inability to make future purchases.

After enrolling in our program, you will have access to our Slack community. Direct your questions to the help-desk channel on Slack. 

If you are unable to use slack please send an email to [email protected].

If you have questions or need guidance before enrolling please send an email to [email protected].

Enrollment Options

50% OFF



6 Monthly Payments



Total of $1,647

over six payments

50% OFF



3 Monthly Payments



Total of $1,498.50

over three payments

50% OFF



One Time Payment



One Time Payment, or use 

options such as Paypal, Klarna, and more